04/16/2024 Assembly Jobs, Economic Development, and the Economy Committee watch listen Audio video Captions 02/13/2024 Joint Hearing Assembly Budget Subcommittee No. 5 on State Administration and Jobs, Economic Development, and the Economy watch listen Audio video Captions 10/27/2023 Joint Hearing Jobs, Economic Development, and the Economy and Select Committee on Asia/California Trade and Investment watch listen Audio video Captions 07/11/2023 Assembly Jobs, Economic Development, and the Economy Committee watch listen Audio video Captions 04/25/2023 Assembly Jobs, Economic Development, and the Economy Committee watch listen Audio video Captions 03/21/2023 Assembly Jobs, Economic Development, and the Economy Committee watch listen Audio video Captions 06/21/2022 Assembly Jobs, Economic Development, and the Economy Committee watch listen Audio video Captions 04/26/2022 Assembly Jobs, Economic Development, And The Economy Committee watch listen Audio video Captions 03/31/2022 Assembly Jobs, Economic Development, and the Economy Committee watch listen Audio video Captions 03/29/2022 Joint Hearing Assembly Budget Subcommittee No. 4 On State Administration And Jobs, Economic Development, and The Economy watch listen Audio video Captions 09/02/2021 Assembly Jobs, Economic Development, And The Economy Committee watch listen Audio video Captions 08/18/2021 Joint Hearing Jobs, Economic Development, and the Economy and Select Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship watch listen Audio video Captions 06/29/2021 Assembly Jobs, Economic Development, and the Economy Committee watch listen Audio video Captions 04/27/2021 Assembly Jobs, Economic Development, and the Economy Committee watch listen Audio video Captions 04/13/2021 Assembly Jobs, Economic Development, and the Economy Committee watch listen Audio video Captions 03/16/2021 Assembly Jobs, Economic Development, and the Economy Committee watch listen Audio video Captions 08/30/2020 Assembly Jobs, Economic Development, and the Economy Committee watch listen Audio video Captions 08/04/2020 Assembly Jobs, Economic Development, And The Economy Committee watch listen Audio video Captions 05/12/2020 Assembly Jobs, Economic Development, and the Economy Committee watch listen Audio video Captions 09/25/2019 Assembly Jobs, Economic Development, and the Economy Committee watch listen Audio video Captions 07/17/2019 Joint Hearing Assembly Select Committee on Asia/California Trade and Investment Promotion and Assembly Jobs, Economic Development, and the Economy watch listen Audio video Captions 07/09/2019 Assembly Jobs, Economic Development, and The Economy Committee watch listen Audio video Captions 06/04/2019 Assembly Joint Hearing Select Committee on International and Regional Agreements and Agriculture and Jobs, Economic Development, and the Economy watch listen Audio video Captions 04/23/2019 Assembly Jobs, Economic Development, and the Economy Committee watch listen Audio video Captions 04/02/2019 Assembly Jobs, Economic Development, And The Economy watch listen Audio video Captions 03/05/2019 Assembly Jobs, Economic Development, And The Economy watch listen Audio video Captions 08/30/2018 Assembly Jobs, Economic Development, and the Economy Committee - Part 1 watch listen Audio video Captions 08/30/2018 Assembly Jobs, Economic Development, and the Economy Committee - Part 2 watch listen Audio video Captions 08/27/2018 Assembly Jobs, Economic Development, and the Economy Committee watch listen Audio video Captions 06/19/2018 Assembly Jobs, Economic Development, and the Economy Committee watch listen Audio video Captions 04/26/2018 Assembly Jobs, Economic Development, and The Economy Committee watch listen Audio video Captions 04/17/2018 Assembly Jobs, Economic Development, and the Economy Committee watch listen Audio video Captions 02/21/2018 Joint Hearing Assembly Education and Budget Subcommittee #2 on Education Finance and Jobs, Economic Development, and the Economy and Select Committee on Career Technical Education and Building a 21st Century Workforce watch listen Audio video Captions 01/09/2018 Assembly Jobs, Economic Development, and the Economy Committee watch listen Audio video Captions