03/06/2019 Assembly Budget Subcommittee No. 3 on Resources and Transportation watch listen Audio video Captions 03/06/2019 Assembly Labor and Employment Committee watch listen Audio video Captions 03/06/2019 Assembly Utilities and Energy Committee watch listen Audio video Captions 03/06/2019 Joint Hearing Assembly Governmental Organization and Senate Governmental Organization watch listen Audio video Captions 03/06/2019 Joint Legislative Audit Committee watch listen Audio video Captions 03/05/2019 Assembly Budget Subcommittee No. 2 on Education Finance watch listen Audio video Captions 03/05/2019 Assembly Budget Subcommittee No. 4 On State Administration watch listen Audio video Captions 03/05/2019 Assembly Higher Education Committee watch listen Audio video Captions 03/05/2019 Assembly Jobs, Economic Development, And The Economy watch listen Audio video Captions 03/05/2019 Joint Hearing Assembly and Senate Health Committees watch listen Audio video Captions 03/05/2019 Joint Hearing Assembly Business and Professions and Senate Business, Professions and Economic Development watch listen Audio video Captions 03/04/2019 Assembly Budget Subcommittee No. 1 On Health And Human Services watch listen Audio video Captions 03/04/2019 Assembly Budget Subcommittee No. 5 on Public Safety watch listen Audio video Captions 03/04/2019 Assembly Floor Session watch listen Audio video Captions 03/04/2019 Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee watch listen Audio video Captions 03/04/2019 Assembly Rules Committee watch listen Audio video Captions 02/28/2019 Assembly Floor Session watch listen Audio video Captions 02/28/2019 Assembly Rules Committee watch listen Audio video Captions 02/27/2019 Joint Hearing Assembly Budget Subcommittee No. 3 and Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials and Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Subcommittee No. 2 and Senate Environmental Quality watch listen Audio video Captions 02/27/2019 Joint Hearing Assembly Public Employment and Retirement and Senate Labor, Public Employment and Retirement watch listen Audio video Captions 02/26/2019 Assembly Education Committee watch listen Audio video Captions 02/26/2019 Assembly Human Services Committee watch listen Audio video Captions 02/26/2019 Assembly Jobs, Economic Development and the Economy Committee watch listen Audio video Captions 02/26/2019 Assembly Labor and Employment Committee watch listen Audio video Captions 02/26/2019 Assembly Public Safety Committee watch listen Audio video Captions 02/26/2019 Joint Hearing Assembly Business and Professions Committee, Assembly Arts, Entertainment, Sports, Tourism, and Internet Media Committee and Senate Business and Professions and Economic Development Committee watch listen Audio video Captions 02/26/2019 Joint Hearing Assembly Health Committee and Senate Health Committee watch listen Audio video Captions 02/26/2019 Joint Hearing Higher Education and Budget Subcommittee No. 2 on Education Finance watch listen Audio video Captions 02/26/2019 Joint Informational Hearing Budget Subcommittee 4 on State Administration and Housing and Community Development and Local Government Committees watch listen Audio video Captions 02/25/2019 Assembly Budget Subcommittee No. 5 on Public Safety watch listen Audio video Captions 02/25/2019 Assembly Budget Subcommittee No.1 on Health and Human Services watch listen Audio video Captions 02/25/2019 Assembly Floor Session watch listen Audio video Captions 02/25/2019 Assembly Revenue and Taxation watch listen Audio video Captions 02/25/2019 Assembly Rules Committee watch listen Audio video Captions 02/25/2019 Joint Hearing Assembly Natural Resources and Assembly Local Government watch listen Audio video Captions 02/21/2019 Assembly Floor Session watch listen Audio video Captions 02/21/2019 Assembly Rules Committee watch listen Audio video Captions 02/20/2019 Assembly Arts, Entertainment, Sports, Tourism, and Internet Media Committee watch listen Audio video Captions 02/20/2019 Assembly Committee on Privacy & Consumer Protection watch listen Audio video Captions 02/20/2019 Joint Informational Hearing Assembly Budget Subcommittee 2 on Education Finance and Education Committee watch listen Audio video Captions 02/19/2019 Assembly Floor Session watch listen Audio video Captions 02/15/2019 Assembly Floor Session watch listen Audio video Captions 02/15/2019 Assembly Rules Committee watch listen Audio video Captions 02/13/2019 Assembly Education Committee watch listen Audio video Captions 02/13/2019 Joint Hearing Assembly Budget Subcommittee #3 and Assembly Natural Resources watch listen Audio video Captions 02/13/2019 Joint Hearing Assembly Public Employment and Retirement and Senate Labor, Public Employment and Retirement watch listen Audio video Captions 02/12/2019 Assembly Floor Session and Joint Convention of the California Legislature watch listen Audio video Captions 02/12/2019 Governor Gavin Newsom's State of the State Address watch listen Audio video Captions 02/12/2019 Joint Hearing Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials and Senate Environmental Quality watch listen Audio video Captions 02/12/2019 Joint Hearing Assembly Health Committee and Budget Subcommittee 1 on Health and Human Services and Senate Health Committee and Budget Subcommittee 3 on Health and Human Services watch listen Audio video Captions 02/11/2019 Assembly Floor Session watch listen Audio video Captions 02/11/2019 Assembly Rules Committee watch listen Audio video Captions 02/07/2019 Assembly Floor Session watch listen Audio video Captions 02/07/2019 Assembly Rules Committee watch listen Audio video Captions 02/06/2019 Assembly Education Committee watch listen Audio video Captions 02/06/2019 Assembly Joint Hearing Water, Parks, and Wildlife and Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials and Budget Subcommittee 3 watch listen Audio video Captions 02/05/2019 Assembly Public Safety Committee watch listen Audio video Captions 02/05/2019 Assembly Veterans Affairs watch listen Audio video Captions 02/04/2019 Assembly Appropriations Committee watch listen Audio video Captions 02/04/2019 Assembly Floor Session watch listen Audio video Captions 02/04/2019 Assembly Rules Committee watch listen Audio video Captions 02/04/2019 Joint Hearing Banking and Finance and Local Government watch listen Audio video Captions 01/31/2019 Assembly Floor Session watch listen Audio video Captions 01/30/2019 Assembly Utilities And Energy Committee watch listen Audio video Captions 01/30/2019 Joint Hearing Housing and Community Development and Local Government watch listen Audio video Captions 01/29/2019 Assembly Budget Committee watch listen Audio video Captions 01/29/2019 Assembly Business and Professions Committee watch listen Audio video Captions 01/28/2019 Assembly Floor Session watch listen Audio video Captions 01/28/2019 Assembly Rules Committee watch listen Audio video Captions 01/24/2019 Assembly Floor Session watch listen Audio video Captions 01/24/2019 Assembly Rules Committee watch listen Audio video Captions 01/23/2019 Joint Hearing Housing and Community Development and Human Services watch listen Audio video Captions 01/22/2019 Assembly Floor Session watch listen Audio video Captions 01/22/2019 Committee on Veterans Affairs watch listen Audio video Captions 01/18/2019 Assembly Floor Session watch listen Audio video Captions 01/18/2019 Assembly Judiciary Committee watch listen Audio video Captions 01/17/2019 Assembly Rules Committee watch listen Audio video Captions 01/16/2019 Joint Hearing Assembly Education Committee and Senate Education Committee watch listen Audio video Captions 01/14/2019 Assembly Floor Session watch listen Audio video Captions 01/10/2019 Assembly Floor Session watch listen Audio video Captions 01/10/2019 Assembly Rules Committee watch listen Audio video Captions 01/07/2019 Assembly Floor Session watch listen Audio video Captions 12/03/2018 Assembly Floor Session watch listen Audio video Captions 11/29/2018 Joint Hearing Assembly Select Committee on Wine and Senate Select Committee on California's Wine Industry and Assembly Governmental Organization and Senate Governmental Organization watch listen Audio video Captions 11/29/2018 Joint Hearing Assembly Transportation and Joint Legislative Audit watch listen Audio video Captions 11/29/2018 Select Committee on Housing Affordability for the Middle and Working Class watch listen Audio video Captions 11/28/2018 Joint Committee on Fisheries and Aquaculture watch listen Audio video Captions 11/27/2018 Assembly Budget Subcommittee No. 2 on Education Finance watch listen Audio video Captions 11/27/2018 Joint Hearing Assembly Select Committee on Natural Disaster Response, Recovery, and Rebuilding and Senate Joint Legislative Committee on Emergency Management watch listen Audio video Captions 11/27/2018 Select Committee on Career Technical Education and Building a 21st Century Workforce watch listen Audio video Captions 11/07/2018 Assembly Aging and Long-Term Care Committee watch listen Audio video Captions 10/30/2018 Joint Hearing Assembly Insurance and Senate Insurance Committee watch listen Audio video Captions 10/26/2018 Joint Hearing Privacy and Consumer Protection and Select Committee on Domestic Violence watch listen Audio video Captions 10/24/2018 Assembly Select Committee on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities watch listen Audio video Captions 10/24/2018 Joint Hearing Assembly Select Committee on Coastal Protection and Access to Natural Resources and Assembly Select Committee on Waste Reduction and Recycling in 21st Century California watch listen Audio video Captions 10/23/2018 Assembly Higher Education Committee watch listen Audio video Captions 10/23/2018 Joint Hearing Human Services Committee and Select Committee on Foster Care watch listen Audio video Captions 10/16/2018 Assembly Select Committee on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities watch listen Audio video Captions 10/15/2018 Joint Hearing Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee and Senate Governance and Finance Committee watch listen Audio video Captions 10/12/2018 Assembly Select Committee on Hate Crimes watch listen Audio video Captions